/ what we do

New Product/ Application Development

New Product/ Application Development
At Paktolus, we thrive on developing new technologies and contributing to the continuous flow of new solutions and product ideas that are coursing through today’s digital ecosphere.

With its long history of giving birth to innovative products using well-tested approaches and technologies, the Paktolus team can take on virtually any assignment.

Whether you’re a capitalized startup launching a new product, an enterprise seeking to upgrade or reinvent a legacy solution, or seeking to launch innovative products; Paktolus will meet your challenge with both speed and efficiency.

From validating your new product hypothesis, identifying and selecting best architecture, tools and technologies, to developing features, user testing, scaling, and ultimately ensuring your offering is future-ready.

We approach new product and application development as a collaborative effort, working together and documenting every step of the way while preparing your team for a potential hand-off.

Be Future-Ready.

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