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Step 11:
Now that you have opened the Lynx connector, click on the "XFER" button on the AddComp phase faceplate.
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Step 12:
Confirm that the feed valve opens and wait for the valve delay time to expire then click Next.
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Step 13:
Verify that material is being transferred from scale WI-003 to the tank. The scale should decrease in weight as the tank increases in weight then click Next.
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Step 14:
Wait for the actual weight transfer to equal the target weight transfer then click Next.
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Step 15:
After material has been transferred, verify that the feed valve closes then click Next.
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Step 16:
After the feed valve has closed, wait for the mix time to expire then click Next.
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Step 17:
After the solution has been mixed, confirm the phase has completed when the status displays ‘DONE’ then click Next
Congratulations, training on the Add Comp Phase has been completed